Lady Gaga (Stephanie Joanne Angelin Germannotta) is an American singer of Italian descent, nicknamed “Lady Epatage” for her unusual looks. Actress and songwriter, designer, and producer. Three times nominated for the Oscar. The coveted statuette was awarded to her in 2019 for the composition Shallow in Bradley Cooper’s musical “A Star is Born”. In the same film, she played the main role – the talented, but unknown singer Ellie. For the embodiment of this image, she was recognized by the Association of Film Critics as the best actress of the year. 

There are many reasons to love this flamboyant and controversial artist, let’s take a look at some of them.

Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

The fact that she is a gifted musician

Despite all the masquerade, the work of producers, the show, and active social life, the essence of the Lady Gaga phenomenon is that she is a truly talented musician. She worked for famous performers for many years and remained in the shadows, but she did not lose her talent and eventually became a real star. Her songs by themselves, without all this tinsel, deserve attention. It is enough to put her on the piano and listen.

For the challenge – in music and life

Lady Gaga’s work is almost always a challenge, woven from music, voice, fashion, performance art, Twitter, and harsh judgment. It all started with one performance in a bar. To attract the attention of the public, who were talking and not looking at the performer, Stephanie decided to undress. The audience immediately fell silent, and Stephanie sat down at the piano in her underwear. It was at that moment, according to her, that she realized what kind of singer she would become: she would turn popular music into a performance. Now art critics write articles comparing the creative principles of Lady Gaga and Andy Warhol, and every time the audience freezes before her release because they always expect a challenge from Gaga.

For acting talent

Lady Gaga was a big fan of American Horror Story, and at some point, she contacted the director and producer Ryan Murphy and asked for the role. As a result, the singer brilliantly coped with the image of the Countess. In another dress-up game, Lady Gaga wanted the audience to forget that she, a master of disguise, was on the screen and saw her heroine. Rehearsals and suffering were not in vain – she received a Golden Globe for this role. A new collaboration with Bradley Cooper (A Star is Born) takes Lady Gaga to a whole new level of acting.

For participation in charity and protection of human rights

In 2010, Gaga donated more than $ 500,000 to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti, she is involved in campaigns to fight AIDS and HIV, and in 2012 she opened the charity “Born This Way”, which supports young LGBT people, as well as education and training. Lady Gaga actively advocated the repeal of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” law, which prohibits open homosexuals from serving in the army, and attended the MTV awards ceremony accompanied by the military, who were fired due to their orientation.

In the fight against violence

In 2015, Lady Gaga wrote a song on behalf of victims of violence Till It Happens to You (for the documentary “Hunting Zone”). The composition turned out to be especially emotional, because Stephanie herself was subjected to violence, coped with this trauma, and by her example wants to show other girls that they should not be afraid and silent. “Twilight” director Catherine Hardwicke filmed a similarly explicit video for “Till It Happens to You”.

The composition was performed by Lady Gaga at the Oscar ceremony. Together with her, more than 50 people took the stage, who had to face violence in their lives. A week after the ceremony, the singer made a tattoo on her back, symbolizing the unity and mutual support of victims of violence, and many supported her in this, repeating the drawing.

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