Michele Ferrero is the son of Pietro, who was not afraid of change and transformed his father’s legacy beyond recognition. A merry man by nature, a successful businessman by nature, and a real workaholic in life, Pietro quickly won a clientele for himself with delicious sweets. The bestseller in his store was the hazelnut-filled chocolate sticks. The famous adage about how unhappiness helps in life has played a key role in the life of the Ferrero family. Once the chocolate sticks melted, the owner of the confectionery did not get confused and did not throw away the illiquid product, he offered it to his customers in the form of a spread for the freshest buns. This delicacy was so much appreciated by the visitors of the pastry shop that Pietro had to put the production of nut butter on stream, so the world knew Nutella. Four years of existence of the confectionery shop forced Pietro to expand his brainchild and open a factory. The business was started in 1942, already in 1949 Michele Ferrero began to help his father, and in 1957 he took over the reins of the company. An amazing feature of the formation of the Ferrero corporation was the fact that its creators worked tirelessly on the brand. Pietro established a successful business, and he brought his products to the national level, but it was Michele Ferrero who achieved international recognition. The success story of his brand is primarily associated with the constant development of new products; he worked on the creation of each of them for an average of about two years. During this time, the novelty from the company has come a long way from a simple idea to an excellent delicacy with a unique taste, original appearance, unique presentation method, and label.

Photo by Gisela Schober/Getty Images for Ferrero Deutschland

Family matters

The Ferrero company, officially founded in 1946, is currently one of the largest producers of sweets in the world. What started as a single plant has grown into an international network of factories (16 worldwide). The products are sold by a huge distribution network with representative offices in Europe, Asia, and the USA, and 22 thousand of employees work for the benefit of the brand. But despite such a colossal scale of production and turnover ($ 8 billion a year), the company has remained in the hands of one family for over 60 years. Michele Ferrero’s biography (photo presented in the article) is inseparably associated with the company. His personal life is a secret that he took with him to the grave. It is unlikely that many skeletons can be found there. His father Pietro worked all his life at his pastry shop, his wife helped him a lot. The violent Italian temperament helped the business survive even in the most difficult times, and a strong family only tied what was already strong.

A similar constancy was listed in the family of Michele Ferrero himself. He was married once, and from the marriage, he left two sons. His wife Maria Franca, like his mother Michele at one time, was a faithful companion for her husband. Petra Ferrero helped her husband Pietro in many ways, she was directly involved in the affairs of the company.

In the same way, Maria Franca became a real muse and support for Michele Ferrero, the biography of this woman is identified with family and tireless work in a fund based on the funds of the corporation. By the way, corporate support, mutual assistance, and care for our employees are a feature inherent in Ferrero. The pastry magnate died at the age of 89, in 2015, by that time he had already managed to transfer his affairs to his sons, Pietro and Giovanni. This happened back in 1997. The sons proved their professional suitability and did not disgrace their father, showing themselves to be excellent businessmen.

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