Surprisingly, but true: Tom Cruise is one of the few actors who do not have outright rubbish in the filmography. Modest films, some of those that are customary to watch and immediately forget, of course, there are, but just those, after which you want to jump out the window, no. Therefore, you can go to films with him without much preparation, his participation in the project already guarantees some quality.

Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images


Sidney Pollack’s 1993 movie, a third of which went into the pocket of the incredibly popular Cruise at the time. To kick, however, for the greed of Cruz will not work: with a cost of 40 million, the film has collected in the world almost 300. So the creators did not lose. According to the plot, Cruz, a brilliant lawyer, is invited to work in a certain company, which, as it soon turns out, is run by real villains. Tom immediately revolts.


This, of course, is not a Tom Cruise film and it is only in the background here, however, it is believed that participation in this particular film allowed him to return to the first echelon, from which he quickly flew out when the Paramount studio calculated the losses from the rental of the third film of the franchise ” Mission Impossible”.

At some point, Les Grossman’s media citation index was so high that Hollywood seriously intended to stir up a separate movie about the hero. But, they did not grow together.


One of those films where Tom Cruise agreed to act for a bag of bagels. Well, if that’s what you can call a $ 100,000 fee. Before Magnolia, he received $ 20 million for his role in Eyes Wide Shut, and immediately after him $ 75 million for the second part of Mission: Impossible, directed by John Woo.


An excellent film by Rob Reiner, in which it is believed that Tom Cruise even outplayed Jack Nicholson’s cap. This is not so, but it is customary to joke about this. The plot revolves around a military trial of citizens who arranged a “dark” for their colleagues. Cruz, naturally, brings everyone to clean water. In our time, the final speech in court already looks somewhat naive.


The same film in which it is not clear why Cuba Goodding Jr. won the Oscar. Cruz got only a nomination, however, taking away the Golden Globe. Another movie about the very last chance and struggling. The hero of Tom Cruise is dumped by everyone, but he screams with all his might “Show Me the Money!” and wins everyone, having received an award in the form of Renee Zellweger in the course of the painting.


Michael Mann’s film, in which, even though Cruz gave up his standard fee, $ 70 million was spent on filming. Recall 60% of filming is limited to Jamie Foxx’s taxi. Thanks to this, however, the cab looks very expensive. But here it is forgivable because it is well known that very few people know how to shoot like Michael Mann.


One of the films of a short citizen, who was kindly treated by all critics and people seriously interested in cinema, but completely unimpressed by most ordinary citizens who attack cinemas on weekends. Thanks to this, the sequel to the film is in a very big question. Under so big that it does not exist yet and, most likely, will not be, even though everyone wants it.

With 180 million dollars of the budget, “Edge of the Future” collected 360, reaching the threshold of only a little payback.


The film, after which Tom Cruise was finally assigned the superstar title. For his role in it, he received only $ 3 million. After Rain Man, he received less than 10 million only for Magnolia, Born on the Fourth of July, and Days of Thunder.


The 1996 film that launched the franchise earned Tom Cruise $ 70 million. Mission was also the first film to hit 3,000 screens on its opening weekend. With an 80 million budget at the world box office, the film has mastered the amount of 460 million.


Thanks to The Last Samurai, Tom Cruise almost lost his head because of a mechanism that did not work, and in Japan, Tom Cruise Day appeared, which everyone can celebrate on October 9th.

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