Despite the slim possibility of someone winning the lottery, a middle-aged woman from the state of California won the state’s official lottery. She bought the ticket on her way home after a long day of work in a nearby gas station and only spent 3$ to purchase the ticket. “It is like a dream come true, a true American dream,” she said to a news reporter who interviewed her about her huge winnings. It truly is the American dream to become a millionaire in one day! She also noted that she will spend the money to pay for her children’s scholarship and to buy a new house near the coast. Her kids must be the happiest students on the planet because of getting the possibility to study without the worries of taking student loans.

Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Odds of winning the state lottery

This lucky event just stars aligning in her life in the right way at the right time, because the odds of winning the California state lottery are slim to none or more exactly one in 137,773,421. She said that it was her first time buying a lottery ticket and it ended up being the luckiest purchase of her life.

The California state lottery is held every year with winning ranging from thousands to millions of dollars, and every year there is one lucky person who manages to win the lottery despite the slim odds. Perhaps the California lottery is the easiest way to become a millionaire in one day. You can head out and buy a lottery ticket in your local gas station or grocery shop and who knows maybe you will become the next millionaire.

Though these occasional moments of luck may occur in everyone’s life, we advise you to not spend all your life earning buying lottery tickets and to be informed about the consequences. Spend your money in smart ways! ‘’Click here to find out ways how to save money and spend it wisely”

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