The future billionaire and poverty fighter was born in 1958 in the Chinese province of Henan. When the boy was only 8 months old, he was left without a mother – the woman died, leaving the baby in the arms of her husband.
The man could not cope with the hardships of life on his own and did not know what to do with such a small child, so he gave the baby to his grandmother, who was engaged in raising our hero.
Hui’s father is a veteran of the Sino-Japanese War, and no matter how hard he tried to get settled in life, he could not provide not only a decent education for his son but even normal food. The only job he could find was chopping wood and providing only temporary earnings. The hero’s grandmother tried to do her bit – in order to somehow live, she made homemade vinegar for sale.
Even then, Hui understood what the hardships of life were, and decided to “change his destiny” by all means.

Change fate or submit to chance
Knowledge is what a purposeful guy puts his stake on.
Therefore, at the first opportunity, Xu Jiayin (this is what the name of the hero sounds like in Chinese) goes to college. He became one of the first students of the educational institution and received a social education. This opened up new opportunities – at least the state-guaranteed life-long employment for graduates.
When Hui graduated in 1978, unemployment was the biggest problem in China.
Therefore, the young specialist did not hesitate to go to work at the state steel plant in his province, where he was sent for distribution.
Here he spent the next 10 years, confidently climbing the career ladder. The guy started as a technician and later took the post of head of the department.
In parallel, he is pursuing a specialized education at the Wuhan University of Science and Technology, where he graduated in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree in metallurgy.
As a result, he rose to the position of top manager and headed the plant. In fact, Hui Ka Yan has reached maximum heights in metallurgy.
But he was attracted by other prospects – he dreamed of his own business. And again, chance played an important role in his fate.
It was 1992, and the economic reforms of Commander-in-Chief Deng Xiaoping were gaining momentum. Inspired by new perspectives, Hui leaves his leadership position and travels to Shenzhen, the first special economic zone in southern China.
Own business
Over the next 5 years, a novice entrepreneur was looking for his niche – it is not known for certain what he was doing, or what mistakes he made.
In 1996, he opened the Hengda Group Evergrande in Guangzhou, China, the capital of Southeast Guangdong, a real estate business.
With a handful of employees, he tried to master the market, so he offered exclusively economy-class housing. The turnover gradually increased, and new directions were mastered.
“Lofty ambition, strong values , and indomitable executive power are at the heart of Evergrande’s quest for transcendental progress in search of the best,” said Hui Ka Yan.
Indeed, the constant striving to achieve great results has borne fruit. Even high competition in the Chinese real estate market could not break the entrepreneur. He steadily walked towards his goal.
As one of the leading players in China’s real estate industry, he seized the opportunity. The strategy of combining financing, land acquisition, and sale of commercial and residential real estate has resulted in a large market share. And the constant publication of the growing sales ensured a continuous increase in the stock prices of the real estate company, which made it possible to earn more profits.
“As China rises to the global arena as a major power, Evergrande is also flourishing,” said company chairman Hui Ka Yan.
The jump in the value of the company’s shares in July 2017 is especially notable. In just one day, the value of shares soared by 18.08% on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In total, the growth in 2017 reached 469%.
According to the published data, our hero owns 10.16 billion shares, or 77.87% of the company.
Mr. Hui Kai Yang has earned his capital with over 26 years of experience in real estate investment, development, and corporate governance. He is responsible for the overall development strategy for the Evergrande Real Estate Group and serves as Chairman.
“Stepping forward to a new era and embarking on a new journey, Evergrande will inherit the past and move into the future by following the rules and laws, working with focus and conscientiousness to manage and develop the business, increase employment opportunities, pay more taxes and create more wealth for society”, – Hui Ka Yan.