After it became clear to everyone that bitcoin could change the financial market and, in general, the entire future beyond recognition, its rate soared several thousand times. Today this technology is very popular, its creator prefers to remain in the shadows.

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The personality of Satoshi Nakamoto – who is this?

So far, no one knows who turned into one of the richest people on Earth, but from time to time new guesses are published on the Internet on such an interesting issue. Today we will talk about the most popular people who are considered Satoshi Nakamoto, about a few more personalities suitable for this role, as well as other versions.

From the history of technology creation

But first, let’s recall how the technology was created. In 2008, materials were posted on behalf of a certain Satoshi Nakamoto. They talked about an incomprehensible decentralized currency called bitcoin. A few days later, the same person opened the first cryptocurrency wallet and activated the network.

Now, as well as more than ten years ago, only the nickname of the technology creator is known. Everything else is purely guesswork. In those days, Satoshi Nakamoto worked through a system of proxy servers that ensured 100% anonymity. On his page, it was reported that the account owner is 37 years old and lives in Japan. The information was provided in English.

Relatively recently, a small piece of an unpublished book was published on the Nakamoto Family Foundation website on behalf of the same Satoshi Nakamoto. The passage reveals the secret of why Satoshi Nakamoto was chosen as a pseudonym: the reason is the massive prevalence of the surname and first name. It should also be noted that this small piece from an unpublished book contains a cryptogram that emphasizes that a person’s actions do not always correspond to his true desires.

Most popular people believed to be Satoshi Nakamoto

The most popular people considered Satoshi Nakamoto are:

  • Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto
  • Nick Szabo
  • Michael Claire
  • Hal Finney
  • Craig Steven Wright

Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto

The most famous contender for the role of technology creator. He was born in Japan, and he was given the name Satoshi Nakamoto (it was officially changed to Dorian in adulthood).

In 2014, Newsweek christened Dorian the founder of Bitcoin. And for good reason: the author of the article met with him to ask a couple of questions. At this meeting, Dorian announced that he was no longer involved in the project.

At first glance, it seems that here it is, the solution to one of the mysteries of the XXI century. Unfortunately, this is not so. In that conversation, Dorian misheard and thought that it was about fulfilling his duties at the bank. He contacted the previously mentioned publication and said that he had never created the technology and had never dealt with it.

Nick Szabo

He got on the list of candidates after a history of technical failures in the bitcoin exchanger MtGOX.

Nick Szabo is an American with Hungarian roots. He specializes in computers and cryptography.

The main reason some magazines have named Niko Sabo Satoshi Nakamoto is that he created BitGold, a system directly related to Bitcoin.

Michael Clear

This man began to “suspect” Joshua Davis, one of the New Yorker journalists. In 2011, he wrote an article listing what is needed to develop a cryptocurrency and, in particular, bitcoin.

Joshua Davis compiled a list of people with the required skill level and selected Michael Clare from them. He explains his choice by the fact that Michael Claire:

  • since childhood, he is not just interested, but studies in-depth programming in the C ++ language;
  • constantly monitors cryptography news;
  • is well aware of the principles of peer-to-peer networks;
  • was once an employee of Allied Irish Banks.

The TV show starring Joshua Davis and Michael Clare was not a success. After her, even more, questions arose. Michael said Joshua was wrong. He also noted that if he were Satoshi Nakamoto, he would not have revealed himself like that.

A little later on Facebook, Michael Claire asked all overly curious people to stop bombarding his emails with letters. Despite this, he still did not declare that he was not Satoshi Nakamoto.

Hal Finney

Another contender for the role of technology creator. Hal Finney is a successful programmer who first partnered with video game development company Atari and then moved to Cypherpunks, an email organization.

In the cryptocurrency world, Hal Finney gained popularity after he received the first-ever bitcoin transfer and thus proved the system to work. It was a transaction from Satoshi Nakamoto himself in the amount of 10 BTC. He also shared ideas on the BitcoinTalk forum on how to redesign bitcoin.

Unfortunately, in 2009, Hal Finney was diagnosed with a serious illness – Lou Gehrig’s disease, which is a disorder of the body’s neuromotor functions. Until his death in 2014, the specialist continued to contribute to the modernization of bitcoin. Shortly before his death, he spoke about the experience of working with Satoshi Nakamoto: how he created the 70th block and received the first-ever bitcoin transfer, as well as how, within a few days after the official launch of bitcoin, he corrected errors.

According to Hal Finney, he failed to declassify Satoshi Nakamoto. To suspect Hal that it is he who is Satoshi is at least silly. His relatives had to get several jobs to support themselves and at the same time pay for the services of medical clinics. It is unlikely that a person who has more than 19 billion rubles would doom his relatives to such an unenviable life.

Craig Steven Wright

And the last potential Satoshi Nakamoto is Craig Stephen Wright. He does business in Australia and studies computers.

Surprisingly, Craig called himself Satoshi himself. This happened in 2015 in an interview with Wired and Gizmodo magazine. At that time, he already had extensive experience in the IT field – he participated in the development of an online casino and was preparing to launch the first financial and credit institution based on bitcoin (the last project was never implemented due to the lack of blockchain regulation) … In a statement, he expressed his readiness to provide unconditional proof – one of Satoshi Nakamoto’s private keys.

A computer security specialist, as well as other experts in the field, have verified and dispelled the myth that Craig Stephen Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, calling him nothing more than a fraud. Later, Craig did admit that he used the hype around Bitcoin to become famous and earn much more.

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