Sergey Brin is a legend of the computer business, co-founder and president of technology at Google Inc., and a billionaire, now one of the richest people in America. Brin is a Russian, first named by the Financial Times newspaper “man of the year” not as an actor, politician, or oligarch, but as a mathematician who became famous all over the world for the creation of his mind – the search engine Google. Many people know that Sergei was born in Moscow, but not everyone is familiar with his biography in more detail.

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First Search Engine Ideas

Everything good in life is natural. And the meeting of two young geniuses was also predetermined. Sergey Brin and Larry Page participated in research projects that the university was engaged in to solve the problem of the search engine, primarily for students of the educational institution.

While working on this problem, an unexpected obstacle arose: the computers that were used for the search were in the dorm where Sergei lived. And since he used information resources with might and main and even penetrated the sphere of confidential messages that were not intended for outsiders, this was regarded as hooliganism, which was fraught with too negative consequences. But already such a search engine began to seep outside the university.

It was lucky for future Google users that Sergey did not belong to the category of students who endlessly cram tasks, abandoning everything that gives youth. He was actively involved in swimming, gymnastics, and dancing at the university, and was also a fan of the always scandalous, but also beloved by many, Playboy website. The young man wanted to know – what was new this time appeared on his pages, but each time he had to spend such precious time looking for new products. As a result, such a small mini-program arose that helped to solve the issue quickly and without problems, and as a result, it also instantly downloaded the necessary information to the PC of the young genius.

But “Playboy” is only a consequence since the very idea of ​​creating an extensive search program is firmly entrenched in an inquiring brain. And here is also a new opponent, with whom I had to argue, arguing that I was right. But Larry Page was also not inferior in disputes, proving in a raised voice that he was right. But when, unexpectedly, the understanding came to two bright heads that two minds aimed at one problem are better, then the most important thing happened for those who cannot imagine life without the magic words of Google.

BackRub predecessor to Google

Two students started their project as graduate students, and as a result, in 1996, a search predecessor arose, which was dubbed BackRub. Such a system made it possible not only to find the desired page, but also to create a kind of rank – starting from how often other pages link to it, and how popular it is among users.

Sergey and Larry were spurred on by the fact that almost 10,000 people had already become their clients in 1998. But the system was still not perfect, and unexpectedly malfunctioned, exposing hidden university documents to the public. But working on a low-power computer also made no sense. We needed urgent investments and considerable ones. An active search for investors began.

How many wealthy people now regret that they did not want to listen to two gifted students? Only Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems, took the risk. He listened to two enthusiasts for only a few minutes before signing a check for $ 100,000.

The emergence of Google

After that, there were still many difficulties: financial, production, and creative, but the date September 7, 1998, is the beginning of a report of celebration for all Google fans. It was then that the company was officially born.

It’s hard to believe that in the beginning, the company consisted of only four people, and there was not enough money for advertising. Now it is the most respectable organization, a serious scientific center with numerous branches in all corners of the world.

And Sergey Brin, thanks to his brilliant mind, perseverance, and dedication, is the most successful and richest businessman.

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