If you are a fan of horror movies, then I believe you can agree that, so far, the year 2019 has been great for you, at least for horror movies because this year we’ve had movies like “Us” and films like “Midsommar” and “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark’’ are about to be released.

And there is even more good news for horror movie fans as the first trailer was released for an anticipated horror movie – “Ready Or Not.”

Here’s the trailer. All I can say – is it looks like another great horror movie.

P.S. It is a little bit NSFW.

The ‘Perfect’ Wedding

Unexpectedly, Samara Weaving is leading a horror movie again! – That alone makes it worth waiting for the release.

The first trailer of Ready Or Not, shows us a bride, named Grace, played by an Australian actress, naively believes she’s marrying the best man ever and their wedding seems to go as expected – a regular rich people’s wedding.

But after the sunset, Grace’s new husband tells her that her new family will want to play a game with her because it’s a tradition when joining their family, but what Grace didn’t know is her in-laws play games with their own rules.

From there, her wedding night went quite off track.

Photo by Gary Gershoff/Getty Images

Not Your Regular Hide-And-Seek…

Things got worse when Grace had to choose which game to play and unfortunately for her, she selected to play hide-and-seek with her new family.

Hide-and-seek is that one game for the family that always ends in death because, if her in-laws discover her hiding place – they are required to kill her. 

The game has been like that throughout the family history.

However, what makes this even more interesting and different from other horror movies is that the family members are not experienced murderers they are pretty ass at killing people.

What To Expect?

If we look closely and analyze the trailer, we can compare this movie to the horror film “The Most Dangerous Game” in which, a hunter becomes prey on an island owned by a very rich man.

Also, we can draw some parallels with “The Hunger Games” and “You’re Next” since the heroes are trapped with only 2 choiceskill or be killed, and the in-laws are absolutely mad.

Overall, from what we’ve seen so far, we can say that Ready Or Not has a high chance to be gory (judging by the trailer – crossbow to the face, hanging eyeballs, the regular stuff) and apart from the bloodshed, there will be moments where you can genuinely laugh through.

To conclude, you can be sure that you must see “Ready Or Not” if you love freaky horror movies, so be ready when it releases on August 23, 2019.

Bonus tip: Don’t watch this movie with your in-laws.

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