John Cusack apologized to his 1 million followers and everyone else offended, just moments after sharing an anti-semitic meme, claiming it was a mistake.
He admitted that the meme was insensitive and offensive, also the 52-year-old stated that it was “regrettably retweeted” on Twitter.
It is nothing new for the actor, as he frequently shares his political views on social media, and has called for the impeachment of Donald Trump several times.
But this time it wasn’t about Mr. President.

False Quotation
On a regular Monday, John Cusack shared a tweet – and it was a meme.
The meme’s illustration was a hand crushing a group of people.
…And on the hand’s sleeve there was the Star of David, if that still isn’t offensive for you, then check this:
John Cusack added his message – “Follow the money.”
Also, the meme, “Say Anything” star had retweeted included a quote falsely attributed to the French philosopher Voltaire. The quote was, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
Voltaire never said anything like that, so it turns out, that the quote was said by a white nationalist named Kevin Strom as actress Tracy Ann Oberman points out.
Mr. Cusack Reacted Quickly
When you have 1 million followers information moves very fast and Cusack deleting the retweet quickly after it was shared, didn’t help, so he had to apologize.
The “Say Anything” star later explained that a ‘bot’ got him and he thought he was sharing a pro-Palestine tweet, but it turns out Cusack wasn’t looking at it, as Cusack himself says.
“I thought I was criticizing the horrible bombing of a hospital in Palestine, not sharing the content of an alt-right account,” he told.
The actor, after telling his followers plenty of times that he shared the tweet by mistake, and that he was ashamed of doing that, also started to explain he thought the Star of David in the image was representing the Israeli flag.
When Cusack was questioned if he realized the meme was anti-semitic, he responded that it was, but he had thought the context was more about hospitals bombed in Palestine.
Sorry And All That…But You Gotta Watch My Film
John Cusack stated he uses social media as a platform for expressing his thoughts and opinions, but the particular image he retweeted doesn’t represent him. He isn’t anti-semitic.
Maybe the man is telling the truth, but who knows?
Anyways, Cusack ended this scandal from his side by wishing everyone peace and telling people to go see his movie, Max.
Was it a publicity stunt? What do you think?
Feel free to express your thoughts below in the comments.