James Charles Dickinson is 20 years old American Internet personality, beauty YouTuber, and make-up artist. Last month, he has become YouTube’s latest villain, losing subscribers at record-breaking speeds thanks to 43-minute video capture from YouTube’s original beauty gurus.

Since the 43-minute video was released on Friday, Charles lost more than 2.7 million subscribers. At the same time, Tati Westbrook, the creator of video footage, has gotten nearly 3.5 million subscribers.
Westbrook has vlogged for almost 9 years about makeup and beauty. Charles, one of the most famous beauty vloggers working today – with millions of views on one video and recent collaboration with the Kardashian family – is one of those artists Tati made. Now, after a few years of close friends and co-workers, Tati has said that she no longer wants to be “friends.”
Westbrook said: “I don’t want to associate with you, and I need to say that very publicly so that this chapter can just be closed”.
Her video, entitled “Bye Sister”, was called Charles by the behavior she rejected. Westbrook questioned how he used his model to promote the well-being that is considered a direct competitor to his company, and she said that he was working sexually “aggressive” with other men.
As a result, Charles lost more than 2 million subscribers in less than 48 hours. Now Worldwide Twitter trends are “JamesCharlesIsOverParty” and “James Charles Cancelled”.
One day later, Charles apologized for an eight-minute video called “Tati”, saying he was responsible for the precipitation. “I’m so disappointed in myself that I ruined a relationship that did mean so much to me, even if I didn’t do the best job of showing it all the time,” Charles said. “What sucks the most is I know there is nothing I can say or do to ever earn that friendship or trust back.”
Westbrook’s decision to insert a 43-minute video on YouTube, ensuring that everybody in the industry and, most importantly, her fans and Charles fans, saw it for some reason. Westbrook said she felt justified to go public because Charles had been talking to drama channels, but it was also meant to have a real impact.
The drama is definitely a big draw for Charles, but it is unlikely that his career will end, says Een. YouTuber contradictions occur all the time, and attention circles are short.